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Unit: DXFConv


This class defines cell of ACAD_TABLE.


TsgAcadTableCell = class(TPersistent)


AcadTableThe property gets ACAD_TABLE entity.
AttdefHandleThe property gets or sets a handle of the attribute definition in the block table record.
AutoFitThe property gets or sets a flag indicating if the autofit option is set for the cell.
BaseCellThe property gets a base cell of the table.
BaseCellRangeThe property gets a region of the base cell.
BkColorOnThe property gets or sets a flag for whether background color is enabled.
BlockRecordHandleThe property gets or sets a handle of the owning BLOCK record.
BlockScaleThe property gets or sets a block scale.
BorderColorThe property gets or sets a color value for each border of the cell.
BorderLineWeightThe property gets or sets a lineweight for each border of the cell.
BorderVisibleThe property gets or sets a flag for visibility of each border type of the cell.
CellAlignmentThe property gets or sets a cell alignment.
CellRangeThe property gets a region of the cell.
CellTypeThe property gets or sets a cell type.
ColThe property gets a column number.
DataTypeThe property gets or sets cell data type.
FieldThe property gets or sets the FIELD object.
FillColorThe property gets or sets a value for the background (fill) color of cell content.
FlagsThe property gets or sets flag values.
IsBaseCellThe property gets or sets a flag for whether the cell is base.
IsTextTypeThe property gets or sets a flag for whether the cell is a text-type.
MergedThe property gets a flag for whether the cell is merged.
MergedHeightThe property gets or sets a value of merged height.
MergedValueThe property gets or sets cell merged value.
MergedWidthThe property gets or sets a value of merged width.
NumAttdefsThe property gets or sets a number of attribute definitions in the block table record (applicable only to a block-type cell).
OverrideFlagThe property gets or sets a flag for an override.
RotationThe property gets or sets a rotation value (applicable for a block-type cell and a text-type cell).
RowThe property gets a row number.
SpanXThe property gets or sets a span of the cell along X axis.
SpanYThe property gets or sets a span of the cell along Y axis.
TextThe property gets or sets a text string in a cell (applies only to text-type cells).
TextColorThe property gets or sets a value for the color of cell content.
TextHeightThe property gets or sets a text height.
TextStyleThe property gets or sets a text style.
UnitTypeThe property gets or sets a cell unit type.
VirtualEdgeFlagThe property gets or sets a flag value for a virtual edge.


AssignThe method assigns the properties of another TsgAcadTableCell class instance (passed as a parameter) to a given TsgAcadTableCell.
CreateInitializes a new instance of the TsgAcadTableCell class.
DestroyDestroys an instance of the TsgAcadTableCell class.
GetMergedRectThe method returns a merged region of the cell.
GetRectThe method returns a region of the cell.